(You may also know SmartPoi as: PixelPoi, VisualPoi)
SmartPoi opens a new dimension in the world of performance. Our self-made LED juggling tool, which dazzlingly in the air spinning, display your business logo, image, pattern, and short text. Fantastic experience for the audience.
We turn your event even more memorable and we bring the evening to a new level with our elegant illuminating costumes designed by ourselves and equipment developed by ourselves.
Our LED juggling equipment represent cutting edge technology, on each equipment there are several hundred LED-diodes that can be programmed separately, and therefore can even be adjusted to the colours of the event.
At the end of the ordered show, the SmartPoi part is 5 minutes long; and the rest of the program time is filled with LED juggling devices: light-up clubs, hula hoop, LED poi, light-up magician’s ring, etc.
We do not charge a programming fee for displaying SmartPoi logos and images!

Duration: 5-20 minutes

Recommended venue: Indoors, stage performance
Recommended event type: Black tie, White tie, Gatsby style, exclusive events, corporate events, conferences, banquets.

– An area of at least 6 meters by 6 meters which is clean, free of obstacles, and not slippery
– Sound amplifier for the background music (high performance active speaker, mp3 player. If it’s not at the event, we’ll provide it!)
– Electrical current of 230V near the stage
– Lockable changing room with personal hygiene facilities
– For indoors events:
   – Floor to ceiling height of at least 3 meters
   – Darken